From the Industrial Revolution it was created a lifestyle that has triggered a significant increase in waste production, thus the problem about the destination of these materials arises, because a large volume of incorrectly discarded waste can generate irreversible damage to society and the environment, as it is known that some materials such as plastic take hundreds of years to decompose.
Knowing that the future is a reflection of the present, a correct waste management is necessary, where recycling plays a very important role, since it reduces the environmental impact through the reuse of organic and inorganic waste, and is also linked to sustainable development, which includes the environment, as well as social and economic aspects, hence the importance of having the correct disposal of waste.
Recycling moves the economic sector, because companies and the population itself that take care of their waste and give a correct destination are contributing to the preservation of the environment, generating jobs and income, improving the quality of life of society. Since through the residues generated by man, several products can be obtained from the use of these recycled materials, such as fuel gas that can be used for the production of thermal and electrical energy.
In view of the above we can state that starting a recycling line, besides being important, is also an excellent business opportunity, because the use of residues to generate energy has been gaining strength worldwide. The solution has been presenting advantages, from the diversification of the energy matrix, which is more and more necessary, to the reduction of the impacts caused by the decomposition of waste, such as soil contamination and the emission of pollutant gases.
Considering that Brazil produces an average of 80 million tons of waste every year, the financial and economic potential of this sector is very large. It is necessary to look for ways to recycle in a correct and efficient way.
Based on this idea and thinking about the advance of the recycling sector, Vantec has innovated and is seeking to introduce into the market, machines with technology and excellent performance, meeting the specific needs of each customer and the type of material to be recycled or processed. Contributing to the evolution of the sector and consequently the rise of our customers in this market.
Vantec develops customized projects for the processing of "urban solid waste (USW)" and industrial waste, serving various sizes of cities and companies. Having the capacity to receive the waste, segregate the noble materials and/or transform it into "waste derived fuel (WDF)", reducing landfills and environmental impacts. Always keeping in mind the conservation of cities, environment, and economy.
Contact us, we are ready to serve you!
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