Learn how to take advantage of ribs

Learn how to take advantage of ribs

The parts of the wood that are removed in the first industrialization process are called sideboards; these boards have one flat side and one curved side and cannot be used as sawn wood, because besides being out of the standards, they are also vulnerable to insect attack.

For this reason, the "costaneiras", along with the bark and "refilos", end up being discarded, being considered as waste, generating a large percentage of waste in sawmills.

However, the waste can be used for several purposes. We highlight as an alternative the transformation of this material into chips, which can be used in the sawmill itself to feed boilers, or as a source of income through its commercialization.

Vantec understands that by-products have a great economic potential that is still little explored. In an attempt to change this vision and bring a new look to this issue, we have the best machinery on the market so that our customers can make the most of their production, reducing waste and having the possibility to obtain greater profitability.

The correct processing of the wood must be done through equipment that presents quality and good performance, since for the utilization of the residues we can highlight the following machines:

CIRCULAR UNFOLDING saw: saw for cutting boards, blocks and slabs, in order to increase productivity and ensure quality in the utilization of the wood.

ROUTER MILLING MACHINES: projected for utilization lines through a precise cut, they receive boards or slabs, in order to trim them.

ELECTRIC AND FORESTRY CHOPpers: designed to receive slabs, rebar, and other residues from the sawmill, as well as forest residues, and transform them into chips.

With Vantec machinery, your lumber and sawmill production line gets a better use of wood, generating profitability for your business!

Do you want to know more about our products and how we can help you to have more yield and profitability!

Contact us right now, our specialists are ready to serve you: +55 (49) 3441-5200.

By Jéssica Fernanda and Fernando Lopes

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