Innovation in biomass: Wood chippers stimulate the development of the biomass industry

Innovation in biomass: Wood chippers stimulate the development of the biomass industry

Climate change and the constant concern of governments and corporations around the world are leading to greater encouragement of renewable energy sources such as biomass. A reference in this segment, with production aimed at the national and international markets, Vantec Indústria de Máquinas offers machines for industrial automation, with a line of Forestry and Electrical Chippers developed for continuous improvement and increased production gains. It includes equipment such as stackers, laminators, biomass, recycling equipment, and sawmills, all produced in Xanxerê, in the West of Santa Catarina. With 59 years of experience, Vantec uses state-of-the-art technology to manufacture wood processing machinery and equipment.

"The chippers are spread all over Brazil, Latin America, and Africa. There are several applications, from the use of urban slabs, blades, and pruning rests from planted forests, such as pine and eucalyptus, to the use of biomass from cashew trees, rubber trees, orange groves, and also in the suppression and management of native forests," explains Fábio José Grainer, commercial manager of the Biomass and Recycling lines at Vantec. According to the commercial manager, Vantec serves various customers and segments that need thermal energy, from small to large biomass producers, from those who already use biomass to those who are migrating to this energy source.


"We have two recent successful cases, in which the Brutus 1020 line met our customers' projects with all the safety proposed by Vantec and, especially, producing a large amount of chips with low maintenance costs and diesel consumption. The first case was in the eradication of orange orchards, with our friend and customer HBJ Brancalhão, in the state of São Paulo. The second was in the suppression of native wood with our friend and customer 2D Madeiras do Brasil, in Mato Grosso," says Fabio.

Vantec is very optimistic with the market growth, doubling the structure for the manufacturing of the Brutus Line models and the field operations of sales and technical assistance. "Our team is not only dedicated to manufacturing equipment to produce high quality chips: our greatest motivation is to improve the productivity of crops and industries, bringing more quality to goods, products and services for our customers."


Vantec has a complete line of equipment for biomass production. "We commercialize equipment with several power ranges attending all sizes and needs of our customers:

-Electric category with powers from 75 hp to 700 hp (horsepower)

-Diesel category with 330 hp, 400 hp, 500 hp and 605 hp

-Electric line 500 and 600 R6 coming to the R8 line in models 500, 600 and 750

-Florestal Compact 600, Florestal 750 R8, Rodoflorestal 750 R8 lines, and completing the new generation of chippers, the Brutus 1020 line, equipment from Vantec's High Performance line, which are mounted on forest, road, and self-propelled chassis", highlights the commercial manager.

With the innovation of the new equipment and generations of equipment, Vantec optimizes the productivity of its customers. "There were many hours of research and development to deliver the best cost-benefit in the market. Modular projects, which facilitate the sale, exchange, and maintenance of the equipment with the customer. A lot of onboard technology from the engine part, hydraulic system and automation, we certainly produce more chips with the lowest fuel consumption in the market."


According to Fábio Grainer, the chippers benefit the biomass industry by delivering a quality chip, generating energy savings, increasing the efficiency and yield in grain dryers and boilers. This facilitates the use in the industry in terms of mechanization and automation during its consumption, generating efficiency and results. "They are choppers with high production capacity. Besides, the biomass produced by the chippers generates great energy savings, among the factors that contribute to this, we can mention the automation and temperature uniformity, mechanization, organized environment in the courtyard, reduction of ashes and smoke, reduction of labor from the extraction and transport, to the feeding of the boilers and furnaces", he emphasizes.


Currently, Vantec has an external team of professionals trained for startup, maintenance, and training of the customer's team. "We have a structure set up and in full operation of a specific sector for manufacturing and assembly of parts that is 100% directed to serve the customer, both in technical assistance and in the sale of parts," explains Fábio.

Article published by Biomais Magazine

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